Anime & Manga

No Anime Needs Live-Action | GIANT FREAKIN ROBOT

No Anime Needs Live-Action | GIANT FREAKIN ROBOT

Another is the balance of bringing in new fans while also appeasing old fans. An anime live-action has to be easily understandable for those who haven’t watched or read the source material, and for those who have never watched an anime and don’t understand certain common themes or jokes. 

Sometimes, this means much of the original needs to be changed or explained. However, these changes in anime live-actions are often looked down on by original fans. While with TV shows, the story can be drawn out to explain everything thoroughly, movies often have to compress hours of story into less than three, which means much of the story is missing. 

For these reasons, it’s best for studios to not make anime live-actions. They often upset new and old fans of the franchise alike, and usually mean a loss of income. Right now, until technology improves and adaptations don’t cost an arm and a leg to do right, it’s best to leave anime as they are.

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