A Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks bowhunter education field day for online students has been set near Great Falls.
The field day will be held at the Ulm Bridge Fishing Access Site south of Great Falls near Ulm, from 6-9 p.m. on July 31.
Students must first complete the online bowhunter education course before attending the field day.
A field day is required for online students aged 12-17 years old and is optional for adults 18 years and older.
Field day participants will be required to demonstrate proficiency in the following areas:
- archery equipment – different types of bows, arrows, tips, etc.
- archery equipment and tree stand safety
- hunting ethics – e.g., personal effective shooting range, shot placement
- blood trailing, tagging an animal, land access, etc.
Instructors will closely evaluate students.
Those who cannot demonstrate proficiency in the above topics will not pass and will not be able to hunt until passing a field day in the future.
Pre-registration is required.
There is no cost to attend the field day. Enrollment is limited.
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