Comics & Graphic Novels

Letter: Comics favored over ‘Viewpoint’ | Opinion


Once again, I read the “Viewpoint” of Nancy Peters instead of reading the Sunday comics (July 20 REVIEW). She rambles nonsense about President Trump being a dictator.

It hasn’t been President Trump and the Republicans that have forced us to use the government health care. Trying to force us to buy electric cars. Hiring on 80,000 more IRS thugs to squeeze every penny out of the working man they can. And on war she better read up on history. Every major war we have been involved in was under a democratic president. Wilson: World War I. Roosevelt: World War II. Truman: Korea. Kennedy and Johnson: Vietnam.

And as far as President Trump reaching out to foreign leaders. That is the best way to resolve a problem. I’ve been dealing with the public for 35 years. When I have a problem with a customer, I don’t call their grandma, I call that customer. I will now wait for the next comic strip.

Mike De Vries,


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