
5 reasons plant-based diets can help you live longer, as per research

Eating a vegan diet can help you live longer than those who eat animal-based foods including meat, eggs and dairy. A study published in the BMC Medicine Journal discovered the benefits of exclusively eating a plant-based diet.

The study involved 21 pairs of adult identical twins and in a period of eight weeks considered for the study, those who ate a vegan diet showed a decrease in their biological age and also that of their heart, hormone, liver, inflammatory and metabolic systems. Compared to this group, those who were on an omnivorous diet showed no such reduction. The study thus established a link between a vegan diet and long life, an observation that could go a long way in understanding the impact of diet on human health and longevity.


Consider these risks before starting the dietA vegan diet is known to support weight loss and heart health. It is also said to be beneficial for blood sugar control, gut health, cholesterol control and preventing certain kinds of cancer.


However, following this diet has also been linked to nutritional deficiencies and risk of mental health disorders like depression. Like a National Center for Biotechnology Information article cautions of the diet’s impact on your bone health due to lower calcium intake associated with such diets.

People on vegan diet may suffer greater incidence of overall fracture, leg fractures, and fractures in other major sites.

Amazing benefits of eating a vegan diet
As per the findings of the study published in BMC Medicine journal, vegan diets can help tremendously in weight loss, cutting risk of heart disease and reducing the inflammatory markers. Here are all the benefits you can get from a vegan diet.

Weight lossVegan diet is rich in fibre, antioxidants, micronutrients, and beneficial plant compounds and is associated with a low-calorie intake. As per this study, those who ate a vegan diet also lost two kilogrammes more on average than those who did not as the group consumed 200 fewer calories through the meals provided during the initial four weeks of the study.

Heart healthThe above study confirms the findings of several previous studies in regard to vegan diet’s positive impact on cardiovascular health. In a study published in the journal JAMA Network, the researchers from Stanford University found that following a vegan diet can help improve a person’s heart health in as little as eight weeks compared to those who follow an omnivore diet.

DiabetesVegan diets are low in saturated fats and high in fibre which reduces risk of metabolic disorders like diabetes. One should try to include protein-rich foods like tofu, tempeh, beans, lentils, and nuts to the meals. According to Diabetes UK, vegan diets help in treatment of many chronic diseases and are associated with lower levels of type 2 diabetes.

CancerPlant-based diets are considered better compared to animal-based foods when it comes to cancer prevention. In fact, the American Institute for Cancer Research promotes a plant-based diet. Including these foods can surely help you keep chronic diseases at bay.

Gut health
Eating a diet loaded in fibre can also help add bulk to your stool which can ease constipation and prevent gut health issues. The beneficial compounds in such diets can also introduce healthy microbes in the body.

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